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Warm days are already here, and summer is getting closer and closer. We believe that despite the virus, we will be able to go to the seaside this year.

Are you ready for shorts, a swimsuit and relaxing at the beach?

Or does the thought of a swimsuit and the sea put you in a bad mood? Do you use fast diets every year before the summer and on vacation, which in the end do not work and are not good for your health?

Do not worry, we have a solution. We have prepared a super Bikini Body bundle and 5 tips for the perfect bikini body.

But so that you don’t rush to lose weight as always before going to the seaside, we advise you to start now!


But so that you don’t rush to lose weight as always before going to the seaside, we advise you to start now!

To make you even more proud of yourself and happy about your result, we suggest you take before / after pictures. Take a picture of the first day and the last day and compare the picture.

So all you need is a Bikini Body bundle and the 5 steps you can find below. Of course, you will also need a little perseverance. Maybe you can invite a friend to encourage each other.


Our body is our temple and therefore we need to take care of it. We are not advocates of strict diets, but it is important that we put healthy and good food into our body. Therefore, you will first have to exclude all unhealthy foods from your diet, as this will definitely not help you achieve your bikini physique (candy, fast food, chocolate, etc.). We advise you to eat 5 small meals every day. That way you will avoid overeating, but you will still be full. You can also prepare a meal plan in advance for a week and save a lot of time. And don’t worry if your body craves a piece of chocolate, just indulge in it. However, if possible, make it a piece of dark chocolate.



Yes, unfortunately without exercise it will not work. However, we have great news for you. In the Bikini Body package, you also receive a FREE Workout program, where you will find excellent at-home workouts. If you don’t like at-home exercises, you can also go for a walk, a run in nature, go cycling, or whatever suits you best. Maybe you can invite a friend along. This way you will do something for your body and chat a bit. Try to be active at least 3 times a week.


Excess water in the body often makes us feel bloated. Although we eat healthily and exercise, the number on the scale does not want to get lower. This is because water is retained in your body. Excess water in the body slows down the functioning of the lymphatic system and as a result, harmful toxins remain in our body. This is where the Bye Bye Water product comes to the rescue. It helps stimulate metabolism, purify the body and drain water from the body. The moment you eliminate excess water from your body, you will lose weight. You will also no longer feel bloated and your well-being will improve. Bye Bye Water will help you cleanse your body of toxins and flush out fat cells.


Does cellulite also cause you headaches and make you uncomfortable in a swimsuit? Then you have to try our Bye Bye Cellulite scrub. This product with arabica coffee beans works effectively against cellulite and stretch marks. It makes the skin firmer and smoother and improves its blood circulation. Your skin will be nicely moisturized and soft after the scrub. Bye Bye Cellulite also restores cracked skin and protects and nourishes it. With this product, you will definitely say bye-bye to cellulite and be confident in swimsuits and shorts.



Do you also forget to drink water during the day? Hydration is all the more important in the summer months when we are in the sun a lot. If you lack water in your body, your skin will be rough and flaky. You certainly don’t want that, do you? So make sure you drink more water and nourish your skin during the day.


Paket Bikini Body

PRODAJNI HIT: Odpravi trdovraten celulit in odvečne kilograme!
  • Odplakne odvečno vodo iz telesa
  • Odpravi zadrževanje vode
  • Preprečuje napihnjenost in zabuhlost
  • Opazno oblaži videz celulita in strij
  • Prispeva k izgubi telesne teže
  • Poveča pretok krvi in ​​izboljša oskrbo kože s hranili
  • Napne kožo in podkožna tkiva
  • Rezultati vidni že po nekaj dneh
  • Testirano – izguba 1,5 kg / teden*

*Rezultati uporabe izdelka se lahko od osebe do osebe razlikujejo.

350g | for 30 days
Regular price: 46,95 
and save 21,13 


The Bikini Body bundle contains two products, Bye Bye Water and Bye Bye Cellulite. It is the best help in reshaping the body and getting rid of cellulite!


It flushes excess water from the body. Eliminates water retention. Prevents bloating and puffiness. Cleanses the body of toxins. Increases blood flow and improves the skin’s supply of nutrients. Gently dissolves accumulated fat. Tightens the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The results are visible after a few days. Tested – loss of 1.5 kg/week.


This summer will definitely be unforgettable, without worrying about cellulite or extra pounds. With the help of the Bikini Body bundle and the five steps we recommend, you will definitely achieve your best bikini body so far. So just get yourself some new bikinis and show off your results.


Enjoy the summer and love yourself!

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