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Boost physical endurance

Summer is just around the corner and warmer and longer days are coming. The sofa and the warm comfort of the four walls now can be replaced by outdoor activities such as running, walking, cycling, etc. And, if we’ve been lazy all winter, we definitely need to start gradually. However, if we’ve been physically active in the winter, we can use the spring to improve physical endurance and to improve our training, which makes us happy.

What is endurance? 

When we talk about endurance, we mean resistance to fatigue during prolonged exertion. We know physical, mental and sexual endurance. Physical endurance is especially important during long-term sports training. Any long-term work or exercise after a certain time due to energy processes in our body causes a feeling of fatigue and pain.


How long we are able to perform an activity depends on our current physical fitness and our mental mood. Both physical and mental endurance are important for the stressful situations we face in our daily lives.

Boost endurance with physical activity 

Increasing endurance in our body positively improves the functioning of many systems in our body (cardiovascular system, immune system, respiratory system and locomotor system)..  

First of all, it’s important to warm up before the workout with light running or stretching exercises. We also stretch after workout, as this prevents injuries that can consequently stop our progress.To improve endurance, it’s good to exercise regularly over a long period of time and often enough (at least 3 times a week). According to the recommendations, adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise each week, in addition to strength training twice a week. It’s also important to gradually increase the workload. We’ll take running as an example of improving physical endurance, as this form of exercise is accessible to everyone and it doesn’t require expensive equipment.   

Different methods of improving endurance with running: 

  • Continuous method: the most common method in the form of a steady continuous run over flat or undulating terrain. It’s a long-term effort of low or medium intensity. This form of training should last from 12 to 60 minutes. This method is most useful for beginners, who can increase the complexity of the method by altering the duration or intensity of the run. 


  • Interval method: It’s an upgrade of continuous running. We divide the distance we intend to cover into several pieces, which we run at a higher pace than with the continuous method. This form of exercise is one of the most difficult workouts and can help us a lot in improving physical endurance. The intensity is higher, with shorter repetitive intervals. The difficulty of the exercise can be changed by the duration, intensity, number of repetitions and length of breaks.


These methods can be applied to other exercises such as cycling, swimming, etc.

Benefits of endurance improvement

  • Heart is strengthened, vascular system becomes more flexible
  • Lungs volume increases, respiratory muscles are strengthened
  • Concentration and cognitive abilities improve
  • Joint mobility is maintained and increased
  • Bone mass is preserved to prevent osteoporosis
  • Posture and coordination are improved.
  • The muscles of the body are strengthened.
  • Increased immune system’s defenses.

However, it’s important to start improving physical endurance gradually and slowly. To get started, set simple and specific steps on the way to the great goal. Don’t overdo it, as injuries can quickly occur and the negative consequences of reckless exercise can occur.

What else can improve the physical endurance? 

We all believe that physical endurance can only be improved through training, but this is not the case. The following factors also contribute to improving physical endurance:

  • Quality sleep: Rest and sleep are important for the regeneration of our muscles and consequently for increased endurance. By overloading the muscles, we can risk injuries. Therefore, it’s important to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours a night.
  • Enough water: Sufficient hydration of our body improves physical endurance as it prevents muscle fatigue. Muscle tissue that is dehydrated has difficulty functioning. Provide your body with enough fluids and drink at least half a liter of water before physical activity.
  • Diet: Like sleep, nutrition plays an important role in muscle regeneration. Muscles need enough quality nutrients for their regeneration, which is certainly not processed food, full of salt, sugar and fats. For long-term energy and quality muscle renewal, reach for wholesome carbohydrates, a lean source of protein, lots of fruits and vegetables and quality fats.
  • Quitting bad habits: Smoking and drinking alcohol reduces endurance and impairs the physical functioning of the body.
  • Stimulants: We often use coffee and other energy drinks that help us to raise energy quickly, as caffeine increases energy levels and improves concentration. These products are not useful for improving long-term endurance, as caffeine tolerance increases.
  • Dietary supplements: Blends of amino acids L-isoleucine, L-leucine and L-valine (BCAA), vitamin and mineral complexes and various adaptogenic substances (ginseng, rhodiola rosea, maca) can help to improve endurance.

What are adaptogens?


Adaptogens are substances that increase the adaptability of people and help the body to adapt to various negative and stressful influences from the environment. They are most often used to relieve stress, fatigue and to strengthen the body’s resistance. They are powerful antioxidants that soothe and invigorate at the same time. They regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, sharpen memory and increase cognitive abilities.


  • Golden root ( Rhodiola rosea L.) 

Golden root (also known as rhodiola) is an adaptogen rich in antioxidants that protect our cells from oxidative stress. It stimulates the nervous system, physical endurance, cognitive abilities, memory and helps to overcome stress more easily. It also boosts energy levels and can therefore help improve physical endurance, while eliminating fatigue and the negative consequences of excessive and strenuous physical activity. Golden root supports the body during sports activities and reduces muscle pain after exercise. It’s intended for all those who face excessive physical and mental stress. It also acts as an antidepressant as it boosts the general mood.


The recommended daily dose is 1g (1/3 teaspoon) once to twice a day. In addition to water, you can also mix the product into tea, juice or smoothie for a better taste. We recommend that you consume the product in the morning on an empty stomach and not in the evening, as it can interfere with sleep.

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